Life Shield was established in 1968 and has made its mark in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by being an efficient and innovative company, providing different services to the MOD, National Guard, MOI and the Royal Guard.
Our services include providing these different sectors with military and security solutions that we are proud to be able to manufacture locally.
Through trial and error and steadfast commitment, Life Shield has invested in developing its manufacturing capabilities by purchasing well-established companies that have been in the manufacturing business as far back as 1951 and benefitted a great deal from their know-how.
The companies benefitted Life Shield with theirknow how in three major conflicts in the area starting with the Iraq, Iran conflict followed by the two Gulf wars and the ongoing Yemen dispute that is still ongoing. Our manufacturing capabilities include but not limited to the fabrication of Turret Gun Mounts and Armor protection for all types of vehicles, Armoring of mobile command centers, Various types of Guard houses, Mobile field hospitals, Armored trucks and Vans, All types of water and fuel trucks and trailers, Generator trucks and trailers of all sizes, Mobile service lube trucks for Military vehicles and equipment and last but not least the modification of Patrol vehicles for the protection of VIP's and VVIP's.
Life Shield is always looking to further its experience and knowledge in the manufacturing industry and is always eager to invest in transfer of technology and to make JV's to further its development and provide the government with excellent local products, the foresight of HRH's 2030 vision.
F-15, F-15S, Tornado
Manufacture of MK bombs and rocket Bodies
Manufacture of munition bodies
Manufacture of vehicle bodies
Manufacture of machine gun tripods etc.
Manufacture of personnel carriers